Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Outback Toilet ( Dunny)

Outback Dunny 

This Bizarre toilet is at Cohen far north Queensland. It is in a private caravan park 5 km out of town. The owner of this park is not politically correct naming this toilet 4UTP . The ladies is called Eve / her Tunnel and the mens are called Adam his shaft.

If you wanted to buy this beautiful print you can from my website.


Monday, 4 November 2013

Old fashioned outback Butcher

The Local Meat chopping block circa  1920

In far north Queensland I found this beautiful old homestead "Laura" which upon investigation I discovered the chopping block in the meat house. I was there in winter which was bloddy hot, i just cant imagine just what it would be like in December, the flies and heat would drive you mad.

Please feel free to go to my website to see more images of the Australian Outback its landscape and wildlife.

You can also see different images at my blog spot http://lloydhowlettphotography.blogspot.com.au

Saturday, 2 November 2013

Outback Pub

Aussie Outback Pub

While driving north on the coast road I discovered the Lions Den Hotel just south of Cooktown on the Bloomfield track. Tis is a great place just to stop have a cooked meal and a beer. Not as cheap a I would have liked but still affordable. This picture was taken using my Nikon D700 on natural light.

I have one canvas print  of this pub for sale o my website.


Please Enjoy.

Lloyd Howlett

Thursday, 31 October 2013

Queensland Beach

I love this beach

Normally I would not go on about the same place as much, and certainly not on the same Blog, but this caravan park at Ellis Beach Just north of Cairns Is fantastic. I have not been there for several years now but cant wait to get back. I am not a swimmer by nature but this water was just brilliant, in writing this now I wish I was there.

Remember you can see more pictures of Australia at my website


Tuesday, 29 October 2013

The 3 stooges

Pilot Trainer 

Yes it is not a landscape photo of Australia. The things you can find while traveling around Australia 
Every time I look at this picture I am reminded of an episode of of 3 stooges I watched as a boy. this Trainer was high tech in the 1930's.

crazy thing.

Please enjoy 

Lloyd Howlett

Monday, 28 October 2013

Solar Power outback Australian style

The local solar dishes (Windorah) 

When I drove through this town several years ago something looked a bit strange about these two solar dishes. Can anyone point out what is wrong with the dishes????

By the way I have just featured a great photo of the Birdsville Hospital on my "Lloyd Howlett Photography blog spot" this is a amazing  photos of an outback hospital. please enjoy.

And Remember my "fine art photography on canvas is for sale" at my website


Sunday, 27 October 2013

Australian Wild Horses ( Brumby's) 

When you drive on outback road you can occasionally have the pleasure of discovering wild Australian   Horses, these beautiful animals alive in packs and it is quite possible to get reasonably close to these noble animals. This picture was taken on the Birdsville Track

I do have other blog spots that you might like to look at

Remember you can see other Australian Landscape prints at my website