Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Australian outback dog??

Australian outback animal ( Dog?) yes/no

The amazing things you can find in the Australian outback. I was  in the outback and discoverd at a distance what looked like  a large animal, in fact it was a water tower for an abandoned train line converted to look like an animal of sorts. (Some people in the bush have just to much time)

Australian Wild Camel 

So lucky to get up this close, and yes you can find this camel and many more Australian animals at www.australianphotos.com.au

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Unusual rock

Nature is amazing the things it can form and make. 

Man is the only creature on the planet to see things not as they are ( just a rock) but what he would like to think they are.

You can buy this on my website if you chose www.australianphotos.com.au It was photographed at the Devils Marbles in the Northern Territory. It is not my intention to upset people with this blog or to be offensive in any way.

It Is titled Hard as a rock.

We need to get back to basics.

The Love of money will destroy our planet.

I was traveling last week an I cam across this poster and thought how true. Forgive the quality of image.

I don't usually use Blog's or Facebook for political purposes but I thought this was worth sharing.

Friday, 12 July 2013

Australian Outback Transport

The Hover Bus.

In my travels as a landscape photographer you see some strange and interesting things, this Hover bus (not working) was just near one of the outback tracks. Truly somebody has a sense of humour.

Lloyd Howlett

(Lloyd Howlett Photography)

Thursday, 11 July 2013

UFO Capital of Australia

UFO's In Australia

Hi everyone, as a landscape photographer I get to travel all over Australia you see some amazing things and some weird things as well. You cant believe my surprise when driving back from photographing the Devils Marbles  ( you can seed my photos at www.australianphotos.com.au  all images are limited edition, 40x60 canvas prints) I found the UFO Capital of Australia, very weird indeed.

Sunday, 7 July 2013

Outback Airport, but not runway

In My Travels as an Australian Landscape Photographer I have found many strange things. Over the next week or two I would like to share some of these unusual visions with you and your friends.

These two planes are in the middle of the Outback with no airport near by.